Thursday, November 26, 2009

The most shameful day for Indians...

"Today We celebrate the first anniversary of the tragedy on Mumbai on 26th November 2008" This was what a announcer said in a national Television channel today also somewhat similar may be found in a national newspaper. We "CELEBRATE" the tragedy today? 26/11 being some of the saddest days of our country's future we do nothing but celebrate it? Some company are even cashing in on the occasion by making brave remarks about the martyrs of that ominous day and boasting that whoever uses their products they shall be forwarding the returns to a charitable fund, a telecommunication in particular has been pretty aggressive while advertising that and i am sure that many have followed the instructions to the word, with honest intention I am sure, but if the genuineness of their intention were guided by a little common sense it wouldn't have hurt.

Let us pray together on this shameful day, a day when a handful of extremist and misled people challenged a nation of one billion people that they would do whatever they wish to sitting at the very heart of their country and all the people could do is sit an watch. 

Let us pray for the souls of the few brave ones who have sacrificed their lives to save the honor of the country they loved and save the people who were their brothers. Today we pray for our murdered brothers in the hands of men whom we always treat as our greatest friends and wish them luck with all our hearts. Today we pray for our family members for it is an honor to have persona s like Vijay Salaskar to be a part of our family.

Today we pray to that all mighty whom everyone loves, our father, to ask justice for the murder of our brothers. We Pray that their eternal soul may find peace and rest forever.

But we also pray that those pathetic representation of Human beings who made the massacres are properly punished for their deeds.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Hi guys! How have you guys been doing? you know I really missed blogging sometimes but seriously did not have any time ! anyways work's on and so's life! i was wondering if i might show you guys one of my latest possessions it's not much but it's new! i got a new cell a couple of days back it's pretty simple and pehaps widely used but it's a good and solid phone to begin witha nd I guess I rather struck a pretty satisfactory deal out of it! it's a Nokia 3110 model and it's cool! I'll just add a pic of it here...
...Well that's that for now i"ll try to keep yopu guys posted for more stuff...take care!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Been Almost a week!


It's reallyben quite a long time since my last poste! it's just that i am terribly busy and everything! Although i do wish to finish a number of posts and I have a number of posts in my mind! I am planniong to get a few pics of the city and get them uploaded! so How have I been doing? No money in sight as yet but leaving in a world of hopes and dreams I guess I am happier here (As I had always predicted I would be!) I hope something works out and I get that stabilty I am looking for to peaceully enjoy life as I want to live it! All in all...Yeah! i am happy! Talk to ou guys soon!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Home and Work Atlast!

Guys! I am Back!!! Yeah back in my City and it's Good! really I did miss my City a lot and I really am looking forward to the struggling life here...I just wildly hope that the things turn on the good side and I get what I wanted to get! Great I would post many more blogs but right now I got to get ready for the Court and I really don't have much time so I shall keep the further postings for a later date! CIAO

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A new site and a new Avatar!

HAHAHAHA! You know what? That is my new Super Hero Avatar! I found a cool new site called the HEROFACTORY.COM, where you can customise your very own super hero or heroine! Ain't it cool? Mine is called....General Four Eyed Radness! Though I am not completely satisfied with this it's fun!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The timer ticks away

Hi guys!!!!!!!! Day after tomorrow shall be my last day in office and the day after my last in MUMBAI! got my ticket today, was a bit costly but can't help it couldn't manage a train ticket this late not even in Tatkaal!
Finally I have finished writing one of the pending blogs in one of my other blogs today and have posted a number of pics along with it!

I really mean to finish a number of blogs those are waiting for me to finish but I guess it would only be possible once I get back. So the first thing I got to do is to get the Internet connection, I would direly need it, I know!

It seems to me that the days are flying and sometimes it slows down until it stops completely...strange thing tie don't you think? For, time runs differently for different people. The same time is very fast for people who enjoys and then it is equally slow for the ones for whom there is sorrow. It is always agreed that time flies when you are having fun slows down when you hate something to do.
There is absolutely no doubt about that! but the time is of such a peculiar nature as such I find that time is of an unique essence of which there is so much subtlety that it is almost impossible for one to perceive its elegance.

But however, I know that this is all bogus and by this time every one would be bored to death so i shall stop here and let it go at that......Time flies and where it goes one may not know......

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I tried, I really did but couldn't! I failed three of usw fought before the adversaries so vast that there were no end to the constant stream of foes, we fought bravely and succeded nearly but then in the end sheer providence fell upon us and we were left ashore defeated and broken......what am I talking about? We couldn't get the tickets for my home not even the Air Tickets!!!! I just don't know They just suddenly locked up I mean all of them! sometimes the day isn't just good for you.........

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Had a pleasant change of plans yesterday...

Remember how I planned to get a Mp3 player for mom. the other day? I get get one for her yesterday, but not the one I had planned to got a great bargain on a Phillips Mp3 Player with 2 GB Memory also with, a pretty sized screen to watch movies and photos and video recordings on I"ll see whether I find a pic of it somewhere and I'll Post it here.....

There's the Beauty!!

Also I got a great deal yesterday! A wonderful 5mp Digicam with a 5.1 Mega pixel lens and a good finish, got it for my dad, although, I know what he really wants is a Camcorder, but that's expensive for me but I got this nonetheless......

Hope He like it!

Oh!.. and I also got a memory card for my Cell phone, I have been planning this for quite a while now!

Now once I go home i plan to take yup a lot of pics and post it here actually! Let's see how far I can carry on with my intentions! It's just that i am not very at ease when electronics are concerned (I know I should be banned from modern youth society!) but in my defence I can only say this that, I do have a habit of using any electronic gadgets and get it customised to my own satisfaction and this i do instinctively and not entirely knowingly, well it did happen with my learning Computers and learning to use my Cellphone, DVD player and what not! I have to learn how to use these new gadgets to their fullest extent just by sheer instinct.

Wish me luck!

I actually know some who are like this!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

May The Force Be With You....

Of late I have been learning a lot about the Star Wars Extended Universe, i sometimes stay amazed at the Sheer luck of George Lucas, none of his earlier movies did well but the moment he completed Star Wars, the Original Movie later named as "A new Hope" became an almost cult movie thus laid down the path for him to create the two sequels and the Three Prequels later. But he did not even stop at that! he continued to release animations as well as comic books one after the other depicting heroic tales both prior and after the events depicted in the six films, thus the entire Universe of Star Wars came to existence along with its myriad species both humanoid and non......

There is a detailed Wiki in Wikipedia called the Wookeypedia on the net check it out!

Although I found some of the adventures to be repetitive and taking strong support from the original films in their making also that some concepts are a bit too overstretched which sometimes do become a bit hard to swallow, and are possibly done to cater to the fan's desires and wishes, there is no doubt about the fact that George Lucas has outdone himself as he did everything with a vibrant passion and with such a vision which he had the imaginative capability to dream up first.

Also the inlaid philosophies depicted in the concept is definitely commendable along with the clear distinction of Good and Evil which is so rare in this days of shady super heroes and psychologically challenged cynic mutants and the nihilistic attitude towards the future which the popular culture gives us today.....

Coming back to the point I find Star Wars to be a captivating experience and no matter what he discrepancies it might have I am, after all, and would always be a die hard Star Wars Fan, my dad showed me the first film when i was but a kid and it caught my imagination right away!

Oh! How many happy hours did I ran around the house with a toy sword in my hand(it was real lightsabre then!) and gesturing towards articles which actually flew(in my mind!), I cannot say (In fact I still do it occasionally when I am absolutely sure no one's looking!).....Well, after all I was and still am the greatest Jedi who ever lived.....

To you all I say this
as master Yoda said,"Meditate on this, I will." "Meditate on this, You Should."

The Greatest Jedi

I finish with this simple thing once again said by the venerable Jedi master

"For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. The force surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you."
Although a long time has passed still Lord Darth Vader is Considered to be the Face of Star Wars.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bored to Death......

I sometimes whether this inactivity of mine is turning into a habit, I mean I am actually loosing the will to do anything! Though commend myself to this continuous boredom which I face everyday nowadays, and consider it as a test of my patience a virtue which is dearly sought by me.... but things shall change soon enough...or so I hope desperately!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Planning neo-auditory sensation...

I got a butterfly in my stomach only two weeks left for me to come back, planning to buy a MP3 Player for mom let's see might go tomorrow, not a very expensive one maybe but definitely one with multiple uses, i found one of Sony Erickson which has a two GB memory capacity, works as a mp3 player; has FM, with FM recorder and voice recorder and also acts as a pen drive.. so that's that!
here's a pic of the thing....

Hope you guys like it....

I also thought f taking the Apple i-pod but I found this to be more user friendly, at least to a person who do not like to get into any complexities regarding computers than he absolutely has to!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ridiculous Irony!

A very Ironic and funny thing happened today, I was supposed to be extending my time at the office because of Assisting in the upcoming project due to understanding, my stay was more than welcomed, the project was due on 22nd and I was to work on it for a solid week or two before finally leaving at the end of April, but today i found out it has rescheduled and now the Project is due on 27th, the irony of it! i am supposed to work for four days and and for that I extended my stay for a fortnight1 Ridiculous! Although I am not complaining after all its me who would getting paid right?
Well...I am cool if I get paid for sitting idle!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Got a new Book...

Hey guys got hold of a new book!
"The Religion" by Tim Willocks, it is a real page turner, and the guy has a strange way story telling, its a historical fiction set in the last stages of crusades in the 16th Century a gargantuan battle between the Ottoman Turks and the The Knights Hospitallers and pretty good one too, from what I could find out from the reviews...

here I'll paste a pic of the book here..

looks nice isn't it?

The First Day of the Year!

Today is Poila Baisakh(the First day of the first month of Indian calender) and a great day for us Bengalis as a result I added up a few things about the Naba Barsho(New year), for my colleagues and friends and I think it is pretty good! So(I am sure you knew it you had it coming!) I am posting it here! Enjoy! it is courtesy Geocites with a little effort on my part.....

....Um...Sorry Cant seem to get it pasted here!(kick me if I know Why?)....So here's some nice pics for that!

Its just that this day which attracts each and every BENGALI, no matter where they are on this day!
I love this day, I have always loved it but I understand this even more today when I am far from home and it makes me long for my sweet Bengal even more, for with all its problems, it still remains the sweetest place on earth, the place which brought cascades of dreams in the eyes of its myriad poets and song writers, the ethnicity, the varied and sweet tempered climates, the cool shadows and the most wondrous of all races created by the All mighty resides here, the Bengali,
the subtly romantic,with his razor sharp intellect, yet occasional naiveness, with his almost effeminate love of everything pretty which masks the uncommon strength both physical and moral, his staunch ideologies countered with his argumentative attitudes which leaves no place for prejudices in his heart.
The only race in India who keeps the old thoughts closely guarded in the recesses of his heart yet is the leader in accepting new ideologies in this world of globalization, the stock which breeds the most atheists and agnostics in the staunchly Religious minded Indian system yet have a special closeness to their patron deities, otherwise which people can consider themselves to be actual children of their MAA KAALI? We act as knight errants, and protectors of that goddess Durga who single handedly destroys all evil in the World. How bolder can you get than that?
Do not believe me? place one misplaced word about our very own MAA DURGA in front of a Bengali and see how he reacts? So this strange lot is going to celebrate their new year today.
Today they shall dream such dreams that no one else imagine dreaming and take vows no one can even begin to perceive.
They shall sing their hearts out in the sweetest tongues ever created by mankind, the Bangla Bhasha, and they shall wish all, whether known or unknown, friend or foe to have a wonderful year ahead and they shall be very serious about it and mean it!

Each Bengali are a gastronomic Mogul and nothing ends without some wonderful food!

Luchi, the ultimate! but Luchi is half without...

Alur Dom!

Once breakfast is over Lunch comes Fast!

modern Bengali cuisine a World class Cuisine System and as served in some internationally famous restaurants....

...but nothing beats Home...

We Bengalis are like a river, we always flow, never stand still, as flexible and yet as powerful, we are easily led but handle us foolishly and we are unstoppable.....

But We are After All Forces Of Good and Believe Loving All! So...


Monday, April 13, 2009

When Gloom Darkens...

Sometimes it so happens that one gets the feeling that one is good or nothing and belongs nowhere; maybe it is just a phase which one should strife to outgrow; as long as it lasts one tends to feel extremely depressed. These feelings occur when one fails someone, one cares dearly for. It creates such a melancholia that it almost reduces one to a great extent it is a time of great personal self, more so if one is not accustomed to get lashed at one's self respect. but the matter is not about self respect either...its just that I guess the sheer inability to meet the expectations of someone for whom one really cares is what throws one into the chasm of depression, the sense of losing, by not being able to live up to some one's expectations and not just anyone but someone who really matters is quite devastating for one's morale. It is at this time when one feels that even the forgiveness would not matter, a sense of being a burden and something which exists only to hinder the way of others, sets in, this is extremely damaging and downright painful.

Only the, hope that one is not completely useless makes one stay sane, perhaps that HOPE is what urges one to carry on, and it is perhaps that same HOPE that maybe, just maybe, one is not completely useless and can come in some use is what eventually returns the lost confidence. This is not a continuous phase but sometimes this phase affects every body's life and although almost everyone finds some way to pull oneself out of this to one's ordinary self, the memory and the feeling of emptiness still lingers on.

The only good thing is it is just a normal phase and each has his own way of dealing with this, and it is but a temporary phase which slowly fades away....But the Pain lingers On.....

Friday, April 10, 2009

Heartache Tonight!

You know, sometimes one can take on the entire arsenal of social ridicule and not feel a single twitch of pain, but a certain well placed word by a certian someone makes it almost unbearable, I guess each one of us has his own achilles heels and each can be so extremely hurt at even a single harsh word that his intellect seems to freeze! This happens the most when one has a broken heart.....

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Got my lips cut!

Hey guys I was a bit busy writing a brand new article in one of my new blogs so could not post anything yesterday! I got my little operation yester night! haha! my lip had a swollen something for a few months now although it was not paining or anything the docs suggested I undergo a simple and minor surgery to remove the puss inside it! After numerous days of logical reasons and illogical procrastinations I finally got it punctured I am fine right now but not talking much!(that's a punishment!), our department is going to have a dinner today and I won't be eating today(that is another problem!) but that's cool! I will go home and stay only for about half an hour maybe!(have a cool drink"lime soda sounds good!")

Anyways I need to go now let me see...... the way! everybody at office is really grosed out about the way my lips look! I loved showing each of them right before they went to their lunches! ha ha(come on I need some fun instead of having my lunch!)

Her what i find in the net about closest to the thing that I had!

HAHAHA! Grose Isn't it?

Monday, April 06, 2009

Taken a major decision!

Ah! Toady is a memorable day for me as today i finally took a very important towards the future of my life! I do not know, where destiny shall take me but this I know for sure that i have, today, taken such a step that shall be altering my life in a very significant way!

Today I finally resigned from my job although I shall be staying here till the end of the month yet I have decided to leave for sure and i am ready to plunge into litigation and test my luck there.

i do not know whether it is a wise decision, but my heart tells me to do it and it always goads me to do what i love most! so there!

all i want is blessings of the All Mighty in my new journey and would like to find out what my destiny holds for me.

However, staying true to my belief I do firmly say that "Every Bloody Thing Happens For One's Own Bloody Good"!

Although I shall miss my friends here but i find that it is totally worth it!

Making It Simpler

Hey guys ARD told me last day it would be easier to navigate to my other logs if I post the hyperlinks to my other blogs here. So, here goes:

  1. Fiat Justcia Ruat Caelum , that's my blog related to legal issues!
  2. The Incessant Daydreamer , that's my storyline blog!

Have fun blogging you guys!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Fresh From My Scheming Mind! Part 5

After everything said and done convincing something to someone is the most important thing that we all have to do.

Let us take my profession....if you can convince the client he will pay more than he should(even in his wildest dreams!), you convince the judge, you will get the order, you convince the people, you become popular and so on....

The best way to successfully decapitate your opponent's view is by agreeing him directly and then actually bring him into an illusion and twist his own words into making the person saying what you actually wanted him to say.

The point is either he will accept it as it is after all he himself is saying it(or at least thinks so!) or he would be so dumbfounded that he at least wont argue with you anymore as you were never contradicting him in the first place, and believe me there is hardly anything more irritating and frustrating than knowing that you do not agree yet you have no way to argue.

The process creates a strange almost magical effect...try it out(if you could decipher what i meant, that is!)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Traimbakeswar Trip Finalised

I am atlast planning to go the long awaited visit to Traimbakeswar, in fact we are planning to go tomorrow, Samrat da and Krishanu da said they would come1 so that's great! i will have company for the journey. I plan to write a detailed blog about my trip! Wish me luck!

I sure hope thetrip is actually worth it I mean ofcourse it is always worth to go the temple more so when it is for lord Shiva, but what I meant was I sure hope the puja has some good effect! atleast the effect it preaches to have on the people!

I really want to be impressed and want to see how it works out!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

New Beginnings!

Hey I have actually started the two Blogs i was talking about the other day! and I have even posted the Introductory blog in one of them... go on and read them!

The incessant day dreamer is just plain old me, who just never stops imagining...

and the "nineteenonea" is the just the constitutional or rather statutory depiction of the Right to Freedom of Thought and Expression! Article 19(1)(a)

Happy Blogging and Reading!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My future in Blogging...

I have seen a lot of peculiar people in my life but none more peculiar than I myself am, so with every body's permission I guess i shall have to star exercising my literary side of mind, and I am planning to start an entire new BLOG for that, in fact I am planning to start two more blogs, one containing the periodicals of my literary output(as and when i am inspired), secondly I plan to comment from my professional point of view, which would be a totally law related blog, where I shall be putting my comments regarding everything and anything seen from the point of view of a lawyer, but this would have to wait until I start my practise once again, which would at least take another month or two and I am not expecting to write anything in that blog for another couple of months.

As for the other blog I would be starting that very soon, there I would be putting on my plots for everybody and it will be a real pleasure to share my plots with the rest of the world, be assured to visit the wondrous worlds and meet the most exotic of races and learn about their culture and lives, also learn of the great heroes and the legendary expeditions of the greatest of the generals and the mages of the Worlds of AAndurea; Visit the quaint towers of Kaalebarr; take a part in the clashes between the dreaded Occult Confederation and Association of Heroism and White Magic; visit the the world of Yemun and meet some of the most exotic of mythical creatures and see how the great heroes use guile politics, swords, magic and down right lies to fight off the dark forces.........

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Slow moving timer...

A gust of wind swishes past the dark window, the curtains flutters in its dark alcove, peep into the room there are three silhouettes to be seen, stirring occasionally, three bodies lay across the room, suddenly one starts moving as if discomfort and reaches out of the cot to grasp a bottle and empties its content down its throat and turns to the other side.

Slowly the sky clears and the early crows start s crowing the three bodies are in the deepest slumber and suddenly an unearthly sound fills the room one of the figures unsteadily gets up and lumbers towards the bathroom in a tottering tumbler......

Thus our average weekday starts.....

The wonderful realm of peace and tranquility is separated from the madness of the day in store, by the weird cacophonic clamour of one of the most awfully "wonderful" invention of human ingenuity, an iconic representative of that infernal quality of humans to make everything more and more complicated dragging everyone(whether they want or not) into the "modern world", where Time Is Of The Essence and NOISE shall remind you of that very Time which you have not!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Just filling up space....

I sometimes wonder what would I be if not a lawyer? I would surely be an artist (of some sort?!) or may be I would be a very second rated literature I might have been a that I come to think of it! Anyway I really am happy for being a lawyer and I plan to go into my dream profession soon enough.....anyways that was good actually...I am going to write a bigger blog than the ones I have been writing of late! But I am really not not feeling like writing in fact am too excited to go home! although it is a month away still....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A lot of stuff to read and a lot of places to go...

Hi guys today the whole day I was busy collecting some pretty interesting documents regarding the controversial "Right to Die", I found an awesome collection both for and against the topic.... I would start adding my finds after I actually find out some more stuff!

Meanwhile I am a bit sad that I could not write anything yesterday but I promise to make it up by adding a number of stuff in the coming month as I plan to go to a number of places during the week ends...firstly I plan to go to Traimbakeswar; then to Elephanta Caves and then to Ajanta and Elora.....and finally last but in no means the least...HOME! SWEET HOME!

I can't wait to start my new life which is is both new and old for me as it would take me to my beloved world of courts yet in a way I have never experienced yet....

although I am excited I am pretty tensed too, as to how I would be adjusting myself and am frankly, pretty tensed about my future.....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am planning Shopping!

Well....what to write? I really don't have much to say today...It's just that I am thinking of getting few new trousers and a pair new Formal Shoes let me see when i can make the time up to go to the damn shopping.... I cant make up my mind whether to get a pair of slip ons or normal with laces....also after getting back I plan on getting some white shirts with double cuffs as I am a die hard fan of wearing Cuff-links..let's see...I only hope to GOD!I get one of the jobs I am planning to get....

The "Gulaal" couldn't help it to bring color!

I recently watched Gulaal, this guy Anurag Kashyap seriously needs to come out of his Dev D phase, the first half was turning out to be something which promised almost a second Yuva and was really making the audience wonder(with considerable interest) what was going to happen next but suddenly the second half transformed into an all too familiar plot of loser who is a bit unrealistic, really regarding the girl who used him and never sees the other girl who had been there in front of him all this time, also along with all that he kills of a big shot later finding out that the bad guys were using him to kill that guy all along(he was the only one who was dumb as not to understand that), all to predictable and very stale sub plot, which takes the predominance from the second half, in fact after watching the entire film it makes one wonder whether the entire film(even the good parts) were made just so as to enable that fool of a hero to reach that awfully predictable end.

The initial concept of this a looser lover has, of late, become so very tiring and this film had so much scope of becoming an outstanding movie in all it's aspect, but it was as far as that...

However, the Songs were a different story altogether, the lyrics were so very realistic, with regards to the fact that they are extremely close to the satirical folk-ish songs that are created all over rural India. I was supremely impressed, but that's it....I mean one can say as much about the film and nothing more.

The only other thing I would like to point out is the fact that the actors were extraordinarily good and I mean all of them right from the silent mimic to the brusque and barking oratory of Kay Kay Menon.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fresh From My Scheming Mind! Part 1

Do you Guys know about Golda Meier? the former Israeli Prime minister, she was called "the best man in the government" and also "strong-willed, straight-talking, gray-bunned grandmother of the Jewish people", shwe has given a number of wonderous quotes which shows her wit and strength and today's "Fresh From My Scheming Mind" I shall dedicate to this great lady who has taught me a lot!

I love two of her qoutes most

the later is the beat and most loaded...

"When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons"!

Now I am not going to explain this just understand and slowly absorb the meaning of this statement!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Dudes say....

I found a couple of wonderful Quotes which would very precisely my perspective towards DUDE ism:

1.Not all those who wander are lost.- J R R Tolkien

2. Play: Work that you enjoy doing for nothing. - Evan Esar

3. The greatest risk is to risk nothing at all.- Leo Buscaglia

4. All animals except man know that the ultimate of life is to enjoy it.- Samuel Butler

5. The greatest risk is to risk nothing at all.- Leo Buscaglia

6. Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.- Slovenian proverb

7. If you can't convince them, confuse them.- Harry S Truman

8. It usually takes a long time to find a shorter way.- Anonymous

9. Wine is bottled poetry.- Robert Louis Stevenson

10. Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.- W. C. Fields

11. Wine gives courage and makes men more apt for passion.- Ovid

12. True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.- Socrates

These quotes properly(the way I see it) depicts the philosophy of DUDE ism

also the most important thing which a DUDE should know are cuss words to help out I will post a link with more than 5000 Cuss Words in it

Here it is: CUSS WORDS

"Take it Easy Man!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fresh From My Scheming Mind! Part 3

There are many ways to beat your enemies but the best one is by making them your friends.....nah.....I am just talking shit! Give them a serious Kick in the Ass, but always remember keep a cool head(even when you plan t bash him up!) and get him agitated enough to harm you first....

The best way to get him is to show him you genuinely care about him and worry about him but in the process compel him into such a situation that he severely humiliates himself just by eating on his own words.

Monday, March 16, 2009

One of my happiest days!!!

Hi guys, it's just that back in 2006,on this very same day I had met the most beautiful lady I have set my eyes upon, I feel previleged that she still graces me by staying in my life to this day and I have been enjoying her company every single moment till date, I just hope she will honour me by obliging me with her blessed presence in my life for the rest of my days.....

These words and the picture, does, in no way, justice to my feelings but they are an honest try from my side......

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dudeism!!! That's the new Mantra!!!

The dudeist bible!

I found my calling and life's philosophy(at least part of it!), the other day, Dudeism is the new religion which preaches just to chill out, learning the virtues of various philosophers across time right from Lau tsu to Gautama Buddha down to Mahatma Gandhi and right down to the modern peace lovers of the sixties era

even Jesus Christ was a great "Dude", in fact the basic essence of Dudeism is that all the greatest men have preached mankind to be relax and shrug it off and they have been saints...Dudeist Saints all of them and now the glorious new order of the Church of the latter day dude comes into light, it shrugs off the rigid chains of age old orthodoxy, the Dudeists believe in letting it go and practise tolerance and try to free the heart of conflict, the leisurely feeling which should be a constant state of mind is nothing less than continuous meditation...

...Initially the Dudeist culture seems to have a loser and nihilistic attitude towards life, a sheer disregard, regarding any higher standards of morality, a continuous lethargic and laid back attitude, may make some people not take their philosophy seriously, but if looked at closely, the attitude of their 's is clearly be seen from their vision of universality "The Dude Vinci" a combination of one of the most prominent Dudeist preacher and thinker and the Vitruvian man, but if looked at from a different perspective, we would able to see the true nature of it's philosophy, the call for universal peace and non-violence is commendable although the problem lies that the perspective is rather crude, but every culture at it's growth stays crude,by crude I mean the way of life of the "American take-it-easiness", but I guess, a developed culture only flourishes out of the ashes of barbaric idiocy and ignorance, after all humans have always had to learn it the hard way, the inherent philosophy is definitely something to be cherished as long as the person can keep his basic knowledge of what is good and bad along with the minimum common sense of how to be a basic human being, but along with that one could definitely have a peaceful life by bathing in the pool of life without any social binding towards which he does not find any attachment although not drowning himself in the crack of sluggish lethargy and a decadent detachment towards anything and everything in life....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Changing Believes...

I watched a pretty nice movie a few days back, it's a new film called 13B, this film made me think that perhaps it is high time that one should look at the art direction and the art directors of the "modern" Bollywood in a new light, the Bollywood along with the Indian TV has always made me very "itchy" whenever it comes to the factor of at direction, it seems it becomes a hurdle which they seem never be able to cross but for a few days I am seeing a real change in that concept and this particular film made me really stop and think...MAN! our art directors have learnt a lot1 although it is not something to be extremely proud of as they should have caught on decades ago...what I hate the most in the callous art direction is discontinuity, right from the era of Devanand right up to the Generation Dhoom, the Hindi Film Hero is always prone to pick up a pistol from the floor and shoot at the bad guys with it which, by that time would have miraculously transformed into a revolver(and some times an air pistol)...but in this film 13B I strangely noticed the change of a hammer, which I had noticed earlier but dismissed with the usual disgust toward the laxity of art direction, was an intentional act I really thought whether I should change my opinion regarding this short coming of our directors then thought, what the hell? They have been getting chances of correcting themselves from the very day Indian Cinema started, let them have all the time in the world, they need!



The only thing we can hope is these people would actually use those wonderfully active brains a bit more, it's just they are too miser to spend a little more of it....I don't know why?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Damn good comedy!

I am listening to the comic master Bhanu Bondyopadhyay I"ll just do just one thing I"ll just post the link and that will be it , I just can't stop laughing and frankly I just can't right It's DAMN Funny!
Bhanu's Comedy (Just click on this)

Enjoy it!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Did I mention?

I did Not mention it did I? I just got my enrollment! Finally after five years the fruit has at last has gotten ripe! You guys won't believe how immensely relieved and happy I feel! i have dreamed of this day since i was in class Eleven, when i would be able to call myself an Advocate, a Counsellor, a Lawyer...whatever you might call it! it is a feeling, which may be nothing for some people, of course it was to be expected.. but I have been dreaming this day for near about a decade and no matter what people think...I am Really Happy that Finally I am a certified Lawyer......
Could This Be Me?

What To Write?

The basic fault, which I have writing my blogs is the mere fact that my subjects are just too boring and I am planning to find out some more interesting and exciting stuff to put in my blog and to tell you the truth I am really out of topics...Where on the Earth would I bring "NEW STUFF" from? untill anyone tells me what is exciting to them how would I know?

However there is a blog I do plan to wirte and but it requires a bit of research and some serious it may take some time before I actually post it....

Friday, March 06, 2009

...unfinished contemplation about Fantasy

The reason for the existence of a fantasy realm in our life is basically we are tired of the regular world and we need some certain changes, psychologically speaking there may be two reasons for a person to create one's own fantasy world, it may be because one is an escapist, too scared to face the real hurdles of the life and are content in living in the made-up world of their own imaginations, where, everything is prefect and according to the one dreaming it up. The other reason being some people draw their strength from their imagined worlds which not only give them hope and confidence that in the end it would all turn out to be good, the sheer essence of benevolence is also one of the motivating factors of their lives.
Frankly I find having a secret world of your very own makes you relate to the kid that was always living in your heart but was stoked away neatly by the daily and so called "more demanding" reasons of life.

A world when it is created it starts evolving, it reflects what the creator believes and what lessons he learns from life, that is one place where a person can always find safe haven and can hide all his fears and hopes and love and can live the most cherished moments of his life over and over, by doing this he is not hiding himself from the rest of the World, but it actually has the effect of going for a vacation, which, refreshes the self and he is ready to face the sooty and gloomy real life knowing he has the promise of a great sunshine and cool wind refreshing his soul and he can go there whenever he wishes to.... A shining sun on the face; a soft breeze swaying a branch lightly, a wet sunlight over a swishing sea and soothens one as nothing else can and being within one's imagination makes it more effective.......
Look What this guy says about imagination.....Awesome eh?

Thursday, March 05, 2009

the Maestros Of the World Wars....Part 1

The most devastating of the wars that purged the world of it's humanity in modern age were the two World Wars. The First World War which started in 1914 and lasted lasted for four years ending in 1918, had bereaved the World and humanity from it's dream of ever lasting peace and the faint hope that humanity learns from it's constant blood shed of past. Thus the triple entente met the Central Powers to decide who would write the future of the World. the triple entente mainly had Russia, great Britain, and France although another major participant was Italy and America had Joined on later, causing a turning point in the War.
The leaders of the Victorious side:

For Russia the last Russian Tsar (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov), Popularly known as Nicholus II

For Great Britain there were two gentlemen, who came to the office of The British Prime Minister during the length of the war the first being:

Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, simply known as H.H Asquith who served from 1908 to 1916

and then came David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, who served throughout the second half of the war.

for France the most Celebrated Leader had been Georges Benjamin Clemenceau, who was also known as the tiger and Father Victory, the rotund old Man of War.

during the late half of the War, Italy was led by Vittorio Emanuele Orlando , the Prime Minister of Italy and also won the title of "Premier of Victory".

lastly Thomas Woodrow Wilson the 28th American President who led The United States of America, who led the country to the final victory.

The other Pole of the World War , which is known as the Central Powers consisted of four major powers, the German empire, The ottoman Empire, the Austria-Hungarian Empire and the Bulgarian empire. The various leaders of the Central Front were:

The Central powers were led by Germany under The rule of Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen, Wilhelm II the last Kaiser or German Emperor

The Kaiser however acted as a figure while the entire war effort and planning were conducted by two of the most powerful commanders of the German empire they were:

Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg, known universally as Paul von Hindenburg


Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff (sometimes given incorrectly as von Ludendorff)

The Austria-Hungarian Empire was led by

Franz Joseph I Karl, of the Habsburg Dynasty was Emperor of Austria, the Assassination of his nephew Franz Ferdinand led to the beginning of the War, he was succeeded by his grand nephew.....

Charles I (Karl Franz Josef Ludwig Hubert Georg Maria von Habsburg-Lothringen)

The Ottoman empire was led by Mehmed V Reshad, he was the 35th Ottoman Sultan

Bulgaria was led by Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria.

Thus were the two fronts that faced during the Devastating World War was fashioned.....I would conclude this portion with two pics representing the Two Fronts....

The first pic shows the leaders of the Central pwers together and the second is the Representation of the Triple Entente, that is, Russia(middle), Britain(right), France(left)......