Thursday, November 26, 2009

The most shameful day for Indians...

"Today We celebrate the first anniversary of the tragedy on Mumbai on 26th November 2008" This was what a announcer said in a national Television channel today also somewhat similar may be found in a national newspaper. We "CELEBRATE" the tragedy today? 26/11 being some of the saddest days of our country's future we do nothing but celebrate it? Some company are even cashing in on the occasion by making brave remarks about the martyrs of that ominous day and boasting that whoever uses their products they shall be forwarding the returns to a charitable fund, a telecommunication in particular has been pretty aggressive while advertising that and i am sure that many have followed the instructions to the word, with honest intention I am sure, but if the genuineness of their intention were guided by a little common sense it wouldn't have hurt.

Let us pray together on this shameful day, a day when a handful of extremist and misled people challenged a nation of one billion people that they would do whatever they wish to sitting at the very heart of their country and all the people could do is sit an watch. 

Let us pray for the souls of the few brave ones who have sacrificed their lives to save the honor of the country they loved and save the people who were their brothers. Today we pray for our murdered brothers in the hands of men whom we always treat as our greatest friends and wish them luck with all our hearts. Today we pray for our family members for it is an honor to have persona s like Vijay Salaskar to be a part of our family.

Today we pray to that all mighty whom everyone loves, our father, to ask justice for the murder of our brothers. We Pray that their eternal soul may find peace and rest forever.

But we also pray that those pathetic representation of Human beings who made the massacres are properly punished for their deeds.